
A Discord bot template built with Next.js that runs in the edge runtime.

This is an example of an admin portal might look like. It leverages RSCs to fetch the Slash commands associated with the Discord bot!

837437214434394153 ping Ping pong! I'll respond with pong. No options
837438629789171752 randompic Get a random picture {"type":3,"name":"type","description":"What type of picture would you like?","required":true,"choices":[{"name":"cat","value":"cat"},{"name":"dog","value":"dog"},{"name":"generic","value":"picsum"}]}
1155694321023074414 invite Get an invite link to add this bot to your server No options
1173795310393360465 pokemon Get a preview of a Pokemon by name or Pokedex number {"type":4,"name":"number","description":"Enter Pokedex number","min_value":1}